Elettrochemioterapia ed Elettroterapia genica.
La Ricerca Scientifica Biopulse è ai massimi livelli mondiali.
Electrochemotherapy and Gene electrotherapy. Biopulse Scientific Research is at the highest world level.
The founders of the company, Dr. E.P. Spugnini and Prof. A. Baldi are considered internationally among the top experts in veterinary ECT
electrochemotherapy and EGT gene electrotherapy, and have published in international medical and veterinary journals.
70 Scientific Works * published on Electrochemotherapy from 2005 to today. The role of Biopulse.
Biopulse has tested electrochemotherapy combined with various antiblastic drugs for the treatment of spontaneous neoplasms of affection animals
during the past 8 years. During this period, more than 300 dogs and cats with different tumor histotypes were treated, obtaining high response rates
and testing numerous protocols.
70 Lavori Scientifici pubblicati sull’Elettrochemioterapia dal 2005 ad oggi. Il ruolo di Biopulse
Biopulse Biotech has tested electrochemotherapy combined with various antiblastic drugs for the treatment of spontaneous neoplasms of Pets. During this period, more than 300 dogs and cats with different tumor histotypes were treated.
Studi scientifici con i protocolli più avanzati. I primi test sull’uomo.
Scientific trials for human application.
Istitution : Dept of Dermatology Pius Hospital de Valls, (Valls, Spain)
● Trial Reg. Number: Spain Ministry of Healt 2014-003339-21
● Name of the trial:”Ensayo clínico abierto, aleatorizado y con dos grupos paralelos de tratamiento con bleomicina o
tratamiento combinado de bleomicina con electroquimioterapia (EQ) en pacientes con verrugas virales plantares de gran
tamaño. Diagnóstico y seguimiento con microscopia confocal.”
● Device used: Onkodisruptor
Istitution : Campus Biomedico (Rome, Italy)
● Trial Reg. Number: Italy Ministry of Healt (registration in progress)
● Name of the trial:” Il trattamento delle cicatrici patologiche di tipo cheloideo: valutazione dell’efficacia e sicurezza di un
trattamento basato sull’uso intracicatriziale di Bleomicina ed Elettroporazione tramite lo strumento elettromedicale
● Device used: Onkodisruptor
Istitution : Wayne State University, Karmano Cancer Center (Detroit, USA)
● Trial Reg. Number: Private Agreement with Wayne State University.
● Name of the trial:” The Karmano Cancer Institute of Detroit has a NIH Grant Application for cancer DNA vaccine where will be
used our instrument for delivery the DNA vaccine.”
● Device used: Onkodisruptor