A new scientific paper: Treatment of an advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the hoof in a mare

by Jul 22, 2019Electrochemotherapy

new scientific paper of our research team directed by Dr. Enrico Pierluigi Spugnini and Prof. Alfonso Baldi has been published : Isolated limb perfusion electrochemotherapy for the treatment of an advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the hoof in a mare.

We thank for the valuable contribution and help of all the staff members of the Equivet clinic in Rome directed by Dr Carlo Bolaffio and Dr. Licia Scacco.

The article was published on: Open Veterinary Journal, (2017), Vol. 7(2): 192-196


Abstract :

A twenty-year-old female saddle horse was referred for evaluation of a seven month, non-healing erosive lesion of the right hind hoof with proliferation and bleeding of the underlying soft tissues. This lesion had been twice surgically treated as a canker but rapidly recurred. Histological examination of the second excision revealed a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. At presentation, the horse was mildly depressed, lame and partially non-weight-bearing on the right hind leg, which exhibited a 10 x 10 cm erosive and proliferative lesion remodeling the hoof. After completing staging procedures, the lesion was approached with surgery and intraoperative electrochemotherapy (ECT) administration of bleomycin in isolated limb perfusion. A second session of surgery and ECT was performed one month later, followed by three additional monthly sessions of ECT. During periodic recheck, the mare showed continuous improvement. One year after presentation, the mare was in complete remission and her gait markedly improved. ECT was well-tolerated and resulted in improved local control of a tumor in a challenging anatomical district.


Bleomycin; Electrochemotherapy; Equine; Hoof; Squamous cell carcinoma

Online Article : LINK