Workshop on Electrochemotherapy
Electrochemotherapy Workshop
On 9th and 10th November, in the delightful small town of Franca in Brazil, took place the first Workshop on Electrochemotherapy, organized by the University of Franca (UNIFRAN). This meeting brought together experts from all over the world, especially from South America, which have discussed about many issues regarding veterinary oncology.
This is the first meeting we have ever participated in South America and the audience was very interested in the developments of Veterinary Electrochemotherapy. For this reason we, as a company, decided to strengthen our presence organizing new initiatives in 2017 and in the following years. In our website it’s possible to find updates on the matter.
Here it’s a short report of the meeting:
The organizers of the meeting were Professor Sabryna Calazan and her team, including her graduate students Denner Santos dos Anjos, Oscar Rodrigo Sierra Matiz, Daniela Mosna Xavier, Mariana Santos Martins, Dayana Freitas de Mello.
The meeting was hosted in the prestigious location of Iguatemi Empresarial in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
Other speakers included Dr. Lúcia Maria Guedes Silveira and Dr. Paulo Roberto Martin, members of the team of Dr. Carlos M. Brunner, who is pioneer in electrochemotherapy in small animals in Brazil. However, Dr. Brunner was absent in this conference due to health problems.
The Coordinators of the meeting are : Professor Sabryna Gouveia Calazans and Dr. Carlos Eduardo Fonseca Alves
Dr Spugnini presented two lectures entitled “Electroporation in veterinary medicine: general concepts” and “Electrochemotherapy in veterinary medicine: state of the art and clinical cases” .
Dr Spugnini presented the state of the art of electrochemotherapy and a short summary of his 20 years activity in the veterinary field . In the second part of the panel he presented the latest developments of veterinary technique and technology, specifically the results achieved by our group in the development and in the exploiting of the Onkodisruptor® electroporator in veterinary oncology.
The meeting was very well attended and colleagues, coming mostly from South America, had shown a great interest in the topic. The audience participated actively to the workshop and to the roundtable showing a great interest and a theoretical knowledge of the south American veterinarian in the electroporation field. This event could be a turning point in promoting the diffusion and the implementation of electrochemotherapy in the veterinary field.
Dr Spugnini has been greatly impressed by the skills and the friendship shown by the organizers and the audience, and he is looking forward to the next meeting.
For detailed information it’s possible to consult the full program of the course to this website.