A new scientific paper: Surgery and electrochemotherapy treatment of incompletely excised mammary carcinoma.

by Aug 30, 2017Electrochemotherapy

A new scientific paper of our research team directed by Dr. Enrico Pierluigi Spugnini and Prof. Alfonso Baldi has been published : Surgery and electrochemotherapy treatment of incompletely excised mammary carcinoma in two male pet rats (Rattus norvegicus).

The article was published on:  Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. (Japanese society of veterinary science)

In this specific case it was used an Onkodisruptor Electroporator with the new 20 pulses consumable electrode we developed and tested .


Two male rats (Rattus norvegicus; 18 and 24 months old), were referred for treatment of large masses located in the axillary area. Following total body radiography and hematological and serum biochemical analysis, the rats were anesthetized, and the masses were surgically removed. Both lesions were diagnosed as mammary carcinoma based on histopathological diagnosis. The tumor beds were treated with two sessions of electrochemotherapy (ECT), two weeks apart. ECT involved cisplatin administration in the tumor bed, followed by a series of eight biphasic electric pulses. The treatment was well tolerated, and the rats were disease-free after 10 and 14 months. Therefore, adjuvant ECT resulted in good local control of mammary carcinoma and can potentially be used for adjuvant treatment of pet rats with cutaneous and adnexal tumors.

Article link here : link